
All posts on this blog that inlcude information about my medical care/treatment of Ornithine Transcarbamylase Deficiency (OTC) are for personal documentation and in now way are to be taken as "medical advice".

All management plans are customized to each patient's needs/disorder and my information is exclusive to my specific needs and are overseen carefully by my team at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, NY.

If you have any questions about anything you read here, in regards to UCD's, please feel free to take what you have read directly to your own team.

Remember, I am just a patient, not a doctor. I would LOVE to talk to anyone about "everyday living" with Urea Cycle Disorders and would be happy to answer any questions...anytime at all.


Amy & J.J.

Amy & J.J.
Happiness is possible even while living with a UCD


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Yearly visit to my UCD specialist

So as some of you may be aware, the specialist who had been following me at Strong Memorial Hospital here in Rochester, NY, Dr. Georgianne Arnold, left for a new job at Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh.

Met her temporary replacement, Dr. Jennifer Kwon, yesterday morning.  Appointment went very well.  Ammonia was only 55, which for me is good.  I know that is not optimal but I also range high.  I am not currently anemic and that is something I always struggle with.  My amino acids were within the normal range.

So I do not have to go back for another year.  In the meantime, I am going to try eating some probiotic yogurt everyday to try and deal with some tummy/intestinal issues I am having.  We are also going to try and get my heath insurance to cover citrulline or arginine again since I will be on a new health plan after the 1st of the year.

Only bad part of the appointment was getting my labs done because once again I got a phlebotomist who did not understand the importance of putting the vial of blood for the ammonia level on ice right away. 

But knock on wood, I am stable and and the doctor was happy with my labs so I am happy.